Friday, May 6, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • I can't remember who it was that mentioned this last week, but it seems that now that I do FNLs, Friday comes around before I even know it. It's like I blink and BAM, it's Friday again. 
  • July 4th will be my 2nd Anniversary - I still haven't had my wedding dress cleaned. Currently, it's in H's closet in a garbage bag... perhaps I should deal with that soon.
  • I made baby food for the first time this week. I said I'd make my own but we bought a little to begin with just to make sure she was actually into eating before I brought out the apron. When the jars we bought ran out, I busted out the food processor and she's currently enjoying homemade yams and apple sauce. 
  • The Jolly Jumper made it's first appearance last weekend. It's a hit - most of the time. Sometimes she'd rather chew on the straps that jump but it helps me get a shower in at the very least! 
  • The weather was great this week and went on a few walks. I can't wait for it to get nicer and nicer and then walks can become a daily thing. 
  • Has anyone brought their babe to a Chiropractor? Gas is still a huge issue in H's tummy and she is still consistently fussy and seems to be getting whinier by the day. I've heard good things about it helping with colic, gas, etc., but I'm skeptical.. any thoughts?
  • I heart macaroons and banana cream pie blizzards. 
  • We went swimming on Tuesday with another couple of mama's and their babies. We were in the pool for about an hour and H loved every moment of it. She's such a ham. 
  • We leave for Peachland to see my mom in 18 days!!! 
  • A good friend is struggling with some breastfeeding issues. She's worried she's not producing enough to satisfy her daughter and beating herself up about it. I totally understand where she's coming from because I went through so much in the beginning of H's life trying to breastfeed and it can really get you down. Why is it, that as women, we can't help but blame ourselves when things don't go the way we think they should? Sometimes things just don't go the way we want them to and it's completely out of our control. I think that's the issue.. we like to be in control.. Anyways, I guess what I'm getting at is that we've all been there and it sucks... I just want her to know she's not alone and one way or another, it will work out :)
  • C has his first baseball game on Wednesday and they won! It was nice to be out of the house (minus a clingon - she was at grammas!) and watch him play.
  • I really need to start going to sleep before 1 am. The late bedtime, plus the new 430 feed (whyyyyy!?!?!) and the early 7am wakeup call are really starting to get to me. I'm exhausted and feeling a bit under the weather. When C get's home at 5 I'm counting down the hours until it's H's bedtime and that's not how I want to spend our evenings as a family.  I think we can all benefit from earlier nights. Consider it my goal... ask me how I did next week.
You can find more leftovers HERE. Go check'em out!


The Tompkins Family said...

Thanks, D. <3

I can't believe with my 2 extreme mama sucks that I have never called them clingons!!!!! My new favorite term!

Rebecca said...

Stopping by from FNL...I have my 6th wedding anniversary this July and I still haven't cleaned my dress...I love it and would love my daughter to wear it, but it's gross.

I couldn't produce enough to satisfy the Crazies frustrating, but she'll get through it. At least she knows...I had no idea and kept "feeding" them like normal, practically starving them...ugh! Have a great weekend!

Courtney said...

Hi! I'm coming from FNL to offer advice. My youngest son had really bad gas and colic. We took him to a pediatric chiropractor starting at 8 weeks and saw a HUGE difference. I once accused them of sending me home with the wrong baby:) I would definitely reccomend trying it. I was also nursing and eliminated dairy from my diet and that helped (it sucked for me though, I really missed ice cream and cheese....the things we do for these kiddos!) And also, tell your friend to try fenugreek and mothers milk tea, it does wonders for your milk production. If you have any more questions about the chiropractic stuff I'd be happy to chat with you :)

Danifred said...

I still haven't had my wedding dress cleaned or preserved and I'm going on 7 1/2 years. I think I'll just have to give up on saving it if it isn't already ruined.

ShannonB said...

I mentioned the FNL makes Friday come faster phenomenon last week. So true!
My 2nd anniversary is June 20. I haven't had my dress cleaned yet either!

Anonymous said...

You're supposed to clean your dress? I kinda like mine with sand and saltwater on the hem and rum punch spilled in the lap.