Friday, May 4, 2012

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • My mom and stepdad are in town!!!!!! It's so nice to see them. It's been too long - 8 months, to be exact - distance sucks. 
  • H's new obsession is colouring. She can't get enough and would lay on her belly and colour for hours. She freaks out when it's time to put them away. 
  • Summer... where the F are you!? It's still freezing over here in Beautiful British Columbia.. the provinces to the right are looking more and more appealing as the days go on!
  • Speaking of other provinces.. in case you missed it earlier this week, H and I are going to Lethbridge to visit Tasha at the end of the month!! We're so very excited. While we're there we're going to visit C's sisters and stuff in Calgary, too. 
  • I'm nervous about the flight with H... any tips? 
  • I'm finished my training at work. This week was my first "casual" week. Only 3 days. It was lovely! The paycheques won't be as lovely but oh well, I can live with that if it means spending more time with my baby!!
  • Speaking of that baby... she's missing. She's a totally different kid these days - and I say kid because that's exactly what she is. The baby is no longer. It's a bit sad but in the same breath it's amazing. She is so full of wonder and amazes me daily. I can't get enough of her. 
That's all for today - head over here for more leftovers! 


Chantal said...

Ooooo we had a few things that really helped on our trip. Biggest was having a sippy for her to drink from for takeoff and landing. Lots of running around before we took off to tire her out. And we had Scout - he was a huge help in keeping her entertained on the flight.

Danifred said...

I still haven't taken any of my kids on a flight. We are hoping to do Disney this fall, so I suppose it will be baptism by fire when we take all three!