Sunday, September 1, 2013

{I'm Back! Maybe?}

It appears I dropped off the face of the Blogging World. I don't know why exactly but it happened the last time I was pregnant as well - oh right, I'M PREGNANT! I guess I forgot to mention that way back when I found out... 8 months ago. I've got just over 5 weeks left to go and my mind and body are both already done. I'm over it. I may not update a whole lot in the meantime because my momma always told me "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all", and quite honestly, I'm just a bitchy complainer who doesn't even want to be friends with herself anymore. Once baby arrives though, I'll have to post more, because I can't miss those monthly updates! Hope you all are well. xo

And just because it's been so long... a pic of the not so little Miss H. She appears to be aging quickly before my very eyes these days and it's killing me a little inside.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

{Straight From the Mouth of H}

After falling down on a toy...
H: "Ouuucchhhh, hurt my 'gina, kiss it better?"
Me: "uh, no, I can't kiss your vagina, it's a private part and we don't kiss privates."
H: "kiiiisssssssss iiittttttt (between sobs)"
Me: "Hunny, I can't kiss your vagina. It will feel better in a minute"
H: "blow it?" (she meant blow it a KISS)
Me: big sigh "ok".

Every time we see a big TRUCK:

Every. Single. Person. we see in a store:
H: "What's THAT?" (pointing at the person)

After waking up in the morning with a bump on her head and a rug burned nose..
Me: "What happened baby, did you fall out of bed?"
H: "yah."
C: "Did you face plant on your carpet?"
H: "yah."
Me: "Did you scratch yourself?"
H: "Yah."
C: "What did you do to your nose?"
H: "I have a boogie"
.... we still don't know wtf happened.

Driving to a birthday part at her friends house:
H: "I'm sirsy (thirsty)"
Me: "I don't have anything right now but I bet when we get to O's house you can have some juice!"
H: "Juice BOXES?"
Me: "Yup, I bet Jaymie has juice boxes"
H: "Yay, juice boxes are my faaaavourite stuff!"

H: "Daddy?"
C: "Yes, sweetie?"
H: "girls have 'gina's"
C: "yes, girls have vaginas"
H: "an boys have peanuts"
C: "haha, yes, boys have a penis"

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

{Straight From the Mouth of H}

Me: "Look at all the Christmas Lights, Hadley. Aren't they pretty!?"
H: "yaahh.. pretty.. *GASP!!!* SAW SANTA, SCUUUURRRYYY, PEE IN PANTS!"
Me: "You pee'd your pants?"
H: "No! I big girl, I dry!"

(Hadley eating chips hiding in the corner of our bedroom)
Me: "Hey! What are you doing?!"
H: (makes a few movements like she's going to say something.. pauses.. smiles) "Beat It!"

(after H bashed me in the head with a book)
Me: "Hadley, you have to be careful"
H: "I'm sooooooooo sorry"

H: "Daddy at work?"
Me: "No, daddy's sleeping"
H: "I go see him!"
Me: "be nice and quiet"
H: (staring at him in bed) "Aww, Daddy is sooooo chute (cute)!"

H: "Mommy!!!!!!!! Gibby is my sister!!"

Me: "Thanks, Hadley"
H: "No problem!"

Every single bump in the road, corner, stop sign/light while driving:
H: "Be Careful, <insert driver's name here>!!"

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{Straight From the Mouth of H}

H (pointing at C's pockets): "Niiiiice pockets, Daddy!!!!"

H: "Been trees"
C: "GReen"
C: "No, G-R-EEn"
H: "Close enough"

(after being sent to her room for being naughty)
Me: "Are you ready to come out now?"
H: "Uh huh"
Me: "What do you say?"
H: "sorry I was mean to you"

C burnt his finger on the pot while making Rice Krispie Squares. The next day I pick Hadley up from daycare and the first thing she says is...
H: "Daddy burned his fingers on the pot"
Me: "Yes he did, that hurt didn't it?"
H: "Daddy didn't listen to mommy. NO TOUCH THE POT IT'S HOT!!!"

H (to "bibby" the dog): "Bad Girl, Bibby, pee in potty not outside!!"

Me: "Are you going to have a fun day with Gramma Joan, today?"
H: "Yah!"
Me: "What are you guys going to do?"
H: "Watch Cartoons! Mamma Joan does Papa!"

H (colouring a picture and sets her crayon down. Looks at it, looks at me...): "Show your friends"