Saturday, March 20, 2010

{Picture Perfect}

Last Thursday J asked me if I would be willing to do a Boudoir photo shoot with her to add to her portfolio. I've been photographed by her before (I gave C the pics for a wedding present) so, obviously, I jumped at the opportunity to experience this type of shoot again.
Boudoir photography is an absolutely amazing experience and if you haven't done it before, I would highly recommend it (and I would hiiighly recommend J, too!). In today's world there is far too much pressure to be perfect and though a lot of people are confident enough to be comfortable in their own skin and with their own bodies, it's really easy to fall into the media trap and feel less than fabulous about yourself because you aren't a size 1. We all have times of weakness where we feel our thighs are too big, or our tummies to flabby. We all have moments where we hate that scar that gives us character and would do just about anything to get rid of the birthmark on our arm but it's these moments that make us human.
The first time I did this type of shoot I was slightly nervous because I figured all of my insecurities, the things I hated about myself, would shine through... I've never been more wrong. J is fabulous, she makes you feel so comfortable with yourself, constantly tell you how beautiful you look and how hot and sexy that you are (without being creepy, of course!). She gives fabulous instruction so there is never a moment of awkwardness... and if there is, all you do is laugh it off!
I honestly don't have 1 bad thing to say about either of my experiences with Boudoir photos and I would do them again and again. The feeling you get when you finally see your pictures is amazing. You've waited and anticipated what they'd look like for what feels like an eternity (while they're edited and such) and then when you get that message that says "they're done!" you get so excited. Looking at yourself you see what your other half sees, or what your parents have been telling you your entire life. You see everything you thought you were not. You're sexy, beautiful, and as perfect as any of those girls in the magazines. Sure, you could pick each picture apart and probably find something that you didn't like, but you don't, because the feeling of seeing yourself look that amazing makes you feel too great to care about everything else.

Along with the Boudoir photos, J asked C and I if we would like to do a couples shoot so off we went to hit up the alleys and streets of downtown. I'm excited to see how these turned out too, J had some pretty cool ideas and it was a beautiful day! If you are interested, J will be moving to the lower mainland in October and does many types of photography so check out her site at !

On a different note, S & B asked us to be Godparents to their daughter, Miss A (and of course we said yes!). We don't have children yet but I can only imagine how big a decision that must have been to decide who you would want your child(ren) living with if something (lord forbid) was to happen to you. We both feel completely honoured that they have chosen us.

1 comment:

Jen Williams said...

Awww D you are so sweet, thanks for the kind words!! xoxo