Tuesday, May 4, 2010

{Are You Positive?!}

I know it's been far too long since I posted but since finding out I was pregnant I haven't really had anything to write...

I was trying to keep it quiet for as long as I could due to that whole superstitious, "3 month" rule. You know the one.. "wait until you're 12 weeks along before you tell people because then your chances of miscarriage aren't as high"... well turns out that's easier said than done, not to mention it's not very reassuring. I guess I was reluctant to blog at all because I felt like a liar... I go about my day as if nothing is new, and I'm feeling great (which I most definitely am NOT) when in reality I'm going through the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me. Blogging about school or the weather, or even my weekend seemed so... insignificant in comparison.

So here's an update of the past 2 months:

We found out when I was nearly 5 weeks along (I'll be 12 weeks on Sunday). I had been feeling weird, like something was up, and then after missing my period I pretty much had no doubts. It took me about 2 days to get up the courage to actually pee on the stick (see picture.. the picture I SWORE I would never take because I thought it was silly..) that was sitting in my bathroom but when I finally did, that little blue line showed up dark and instantly - none of that "wait up to 3 minute" BS here. Initially I was freaking out and C was excited, then we seemed to switch rolls and he began freaking out while I became excited (we are now both very excited, though we also freak out at times!). Becoming pregnant was something we'd speak about often, though we had full intentions of waiting until I finished school, we moved home, and I worked for awhile first. I guess things don't always go as planned!

We made the mistake of telling our parents right away. I mean, obviously we wanted to tell sooomebody and logically they were the first on our list so we called them up, told them they were going to be grandparents and then asked them not to tell anyone. Turns out they were nearly as excited as us and their excitement took over so keeping it to themselves didn't last long - at all. I had posts on my facebook that luckily I caught, and deleted, before anyone noticed (I think??), texts to my phone, and messages in my inbox before a week had passed. Ahh, gossip!!

Many people say that pregnancy is a beautiful, wonderful, amazing experience and while I totally understand that the thought of it might be just that, I've been a complete mess. I cry over sad commercials, happy commercials.. anything really. I am the creeper that stares at pregnant women and babies.. (haha!!). I eat more than I've ever imagined humanly possible.. and yet, I'm always hungry, I truly think I could stay in bed for days on end as I've never been more tired in my life, and best of all.. I feel like I have the 24 hour flu... ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.

Aside from these things I'm totally enjoying the idea that there is a little bean inside of me growing away. I'm completely responsible (aside from things out of my control) for making sure that s/he grows and develops properly and that's an amazing feeling. So I guess what I'm saying is that I love the fact that I'm pregnant, I hate the "side effects" of said pregnancy. I'm beginning to feel very sorry for C because he has to deal with me and my hormone induced freak-outs, breakdowns, cravings, and all around craziness.. not to mention, sometimes I'm a complete bitch for no apparent reason. I really can't control it, I promise!

Instead of calling my belly "baby" or "it" or something like that, we call it "Baby Dragon". I had a dream a few weeks back that I went for a doctors appointment and they told me during the ultrasound that I was having a dragon... I guess it kind of stuck.

Now that the news is out it's a little more real feeling. We're so thankful for all of the well wishes, and congratulations we've received but it would take me hours to reply individually so THANK YOU!

So now what? I guess we wait... 6 more months until we get to meet baby dragon. Is it crazy that I already love him? (ps.. I think it's a boy!)

1 comment:

missy said...

my pregnancies in a nutshell lol. love your blogs, they crack me up. the second tri is definately better. third... well... u just feel fat and short of breath all the time hahah