Friday, September 30, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers - The "Exhaustion" Edition}

  • Where have I been, right? Well.. I was on vacation - Kinda of. I went to Vancouver for my besties birthday, and then visited with my mom, step dad and brother, and also another good friend of mine and her boyfriend and kids. I brought H with me... and she was horrid.. so basically, C was on vacation and I was working overtime. (but I still had fun!)
  • Did I mention H has been horrid? Like, the worst she's ever been. We've resorted back to CIO because she is up 5+ times a night and that is compleeeetly unacceptable if you ask me.. and if you don't think it is, check out my bags.. 
  • Okay, you're right, those aren't MY bags exactly, but that's how I feel!!!! That counts for something, right? 
  • Did I mention I'm exhausted? 
  • How exhausted you ask? In the past 5 nights I have got 16 hours of broken sleep. Yah, 11 hours in 6 nights.. plus a trip to the states, 3 days of shopping, one night of dancing, 4 ferries, and about 18 hours of driving. 
  • 16 divided by 5 equals approximately 3.2... in case you were curious. 
For more leftovers visit here


Our Sampson Family said...

I hope you get some sleep soon, Mama! H is lucky she's so cute!

The Tompkins Family said...


Danifred said...

Okay, you scared me for a minute. Thank goodness those aren't your tired eyes.
I am SO sorry though about your sleep, I remember those stretches and the delusion that followed. Hang in there and hope you get some uninterrupted sleep!