Tuesday, April 17, 2012


My mom comes in 18 days!!!! I'm seriously so excited. I can't wait to see her, or for her to see H. She has changed so much in the past 7 months. I only wish my mom and stepdad were closer so they could see her, and us, more often. 

It's almost summer, enough said.

My Birthday is on a Saturday this year... the big 2-5. I'm ancient. I don't exactly know how I feel about turning 25. I had a huuuuge issue with turning 20 but I'm feeling pretty good right now. In the 5 years since I turned 20 I've accomplished quite a lot. I moved away from home, partied my face off, started dating C, moved to The Okanagan, moved to Vancouver, got engaged, got married, went to school (AND graduated with a diploma as a Medical Lab Assistant), got pregnant, moved back home to PR, had a baby, kept a baby alive (so far ;) ha!), and started a new job at RBC (which isn't exactly doing what I went to school to do, but it's work - and it's pretty decent!). I like to think that even though we don't own a house yet, and I've got student loan debt coming out of my ears, we're not too bad off. There are people who are 25 and have nothing to show for it - I think I'm doing pretty good. Come to think of it, I could live in a box as long as I had my husby and babygirl. I have high hopes for 25.

There is a plan in the works (hopefully!) to head out to see a good friend in Lethbridge next month. I hope it works out because I'm awfully excited and I would hate to be let down! Fingers crossed for time off. 

My littlest of sisters graduates in June. Again, I'm ancient. Grad gift ideas, anyone? It's gotta be something special - she's one of the good ones. 

I don't exactly love this new blog format. I know it'll grow on me and before I know it it'll be just like the old (and then they'll change it ((like FB)) to throw me off again)... I feel like the other set up was easier to find your way around. On a different blog note - I updated my design - I'm not so sure I love it so I may change it again. Ha! 

And 1 super random fact before I leave you for the day - I have 6 duvet covers and I just bought another one... who the F needs 7 duvet covers? I just get so bored of them so quickly! 


The Tompkins Family said...

I really really really hope our visit works out. It will. Because we'll make it work! I can't wait to meet you and H!!!!!

If 25 is ancient, what do you think of me at 30?! ;)

Danifred said...

I like your new blog design!

And you and Tasha are making me feel ancient. I'll be 38!!!! next month :)