Sunday, April 15, 2012

{Some Things Will Never Change}

I got my first horse when I was 11.. she was pure black, she had a bad attitude and she was a wee bit crazy. I loved her. We sent her to her retirement home (a nice farm where she was free to roam and eat all she liked) quite a few years ago and she recently passed away.

Though I will probably never own my own horse again, I am lucky enough to have a mom and sister who still have theirs. I still love them and I'm grateful that I can visit with them whenever I'd like. Recently H has shown a very strong liking to "Orses". She's basically obsessed. 

We went to my moms this weekend and had a great time hanging out in the hard. H even got to sit on Casey for her very first time. She was in heaven. 

Wether I have horses or not, I'll always love them.. and it looks like H will, too. 

1 year ago
