Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Tasha has done a few of these posts and I always enjoy reading them... Today seemed like a perfect day to do my first "numbers" post, so here it goes:

10.5 - Hours spent on the computer
12 - Discs that now have pictures and/or videos on them
3 - Discs that f'd up and made me mad
1 - Amazing nap from an amazing toddler
2587 - The number of pictures that needed backing up
89 - The number of videos that needed backing up
4002 - The number of crap pictures deleted
1.5 - years... since I last did this (gasp!)
1 - Macbook restored to factory settings
7 - Overdue software updates
12873028370483423 - Times I wanted to scream
4 - Times I actually DID scream
1 - Amazing BBQ'd steak dinner cooked by my Husby!
123987123 - Times I wanted to stop and give up
3 - The time I started this godawful escapade
130 - AM. The time I finished this godawful escape
8 - Hours until I have to be at work
1 - Very tired Wifey

and last but MOST importantly,


1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Backing up pictures is the worst! I think Shawn does it once a month now...after we nearly lost everything one time when our hard drive crashed.