Sunday, August 28, 2011

{9 Months Old}

As you can see, it's getting increasingly more difficult to get a picture each month! 
(and my post is 2 days short, I know.. it's summer..sorry.)

*Swimming, still - The lake is just her favorite!!
*Standing/walking - She's pulling herself up on everything and anything she can. Fortunately she has learned how to get back down and so she rarely falls anymore.
*Snuggles - mornings are so snuggly.. and she's even been falling asleep on us again lately, which hasn't happened for quite some time.
*Food! - blueberries, blackberries, oatmeal, scrambled eggs, french toast... I could go on. Basically she hates cottage cheese, and avocado, and likes everything else. 

*Laying down in the bath - she used to love to "swim" but now she would rather sit or stand in the tub
*Having things taken away from her - her temper is quite something.
*Having her diaper changed - it's a fight every.single.time.
*Sleep - period. 

What Happened This Month?:
*She went from 5 teeth to 8. It's been about 3 weeks since her 8th tooth came in and I'm loving the lack of teething.

*Bruises. Here, there and everywhere. 

*We've banished the sucky to bedtime. We did this before and it went really well however, when she was sick last month she became dependant on it again. It took us a few weeks but we're back to only at bedtime and 90% of the time she falls asleep with it in her hand, or beside her anyways. I hope to have it fully gone by next month (we shall see!). 

*She drinks very well from her new sippy cups. They have straws and she loves to have her water. She lounges and sucks it back without any issues at all. 

*She has been swimming in the lake lots. She kicks her feet and paddles her arms so hard I almost feel like I could let go and she's just swim away!! It's so amazing to see her become such a water baby just like I was.

*She "dances" and "bounces" to music. She shrieks when she's excited. She laughs hysterically when she sees her Auntie Megan (we're not sure why.. it must be because she's so funny looking ;)!)

*She stands unassisted for a few seconds at a time.

*Crawling went from slow to fast reeeal quick. It didn't take her long to get used to it and since she has she hasn't looked back.

*She stands up on everything and uses whatever she can to walk from point A to point B. She knows how to get up, and down on her own so falling incidents are fewer and farther between these days. Thank goodness!

*Her word count is at 4. She says "Ba Ba" and knows exactly what it means. We often wake up to "BABABABABA" from her crib as she slams her hands down on the rail or kicks her feet on the mattress. If it wasn't so damn cute it would be annoying! She also says "Ball", "Hi" and "Up". "Up" is only said in a whisper for some reason and she says it while she's climbing up on things or wants you to pick her up. 

*She waves "hi" and "bye" and claps. She know's "Pat-a-cake" and starts clapping when you sing it. 

*She's still in size 3 diapers but we will be upgrading to 4's the next box we buy. 3's still fit just fine for the day but leak at night sometimes.

*She weighs 20lbs 1oz!! 

*She has had 3 sleepovers with Gramma this month, one of them was a camping trip! I HATE being away from her over night... she doesn't seem to mind. 

*C says it's almost time for a haircut - I say, dream on!

3 months until her first birthday. How is that even possible? She has now been out of my belly longer than she was in my belly and yet somehow it doesn't seem like it. I love watching her grow up and each day brings something new but it's a little bittersweet... 

Happy 9 Months, H. Your Mumma Loves You xo


Our Sampson Family said...

Happy 9 months beautiful girl!

The Tompkins Family said...

Happy 9 months, you sweet girl! XO

p.s. - Your daddy is crazy. Girls don't need their hair cut!

Bobi AKA Stacey said...


Chantal said...

Your daddy is crazy! No haircuts till you are at least 3! ;) Just throw a tantrum if he gets close with scissors!