Friday, August 12, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers - The 'Help Me' Edition}

  • H is 8 and half months old now... as of yesterday she was 19lbs 1oz - that's down 1oz from 2 weeks ago. I presume this is because of how busy and mobile she is these days. Either way I'm not too concerned that she's not gaining, she could live off her rolls for weeks!
  • On the topic of H (as per usual), she's done a 180 in the personality department. She's bad. She refuses to nap and screams at the top of her lungs for as long as you leave her in her crib.
  • she screams at the top of her lungs if I am not within arms reach or she cannot see me. 
  • she throws temper tantrums (I assume that's what they are, anyways) if you take something away from her that she thinks she needs to have but shouldn't - or if you take her off of something she's insisted on climbing onto. She kicks her feet on the ground screaming at you and rolling back and forth. 
  • We had her down to only taking a soother at night but when she got the flu she (or we) became dependant on it again. Since then she loses her mind if she doesn't have it and if she's happy and you take it away the screaming begins until she gets it back. You cannot put her down to sleep without it and as soon as she's done a bottle she expects it to be in her mouth or all hell breaks lose. 
  • she fusses constantly and must be entertained at ALL times. If you leave the room even for a second she freaks. 
  • she's waking in the night again, which she hasn't done for at least a month.
  • she has 8 teeth and this isn't teething behaviour so we can rule that out. 
  • I don't know what to do.. it's not as if I can sit her in time out to think about her behaviour, and ignoring it doesn't seem to help because she can outscream my waiting. I want my happy, smiley baby back. She's not even 9 months old yet.. I thought this shit didn't happen until 2!?!?! Help?
For happier leftovers, visit here!


Samantha said...

Oh hunny! 2 is a whole different ball game! This is the 8 monthsish stage. With us, it's a bit of tough love. No you can't scale the oven, sorry that you're upset, but it ain't happening. You also may not chew electrical cords - again I apologize for ruining your fun, beats the alternative. I remove him from the area, give him a toy etc, and let him be pissy. If youre tired as fuck, it's after 7 and you're screaming bloody murder, tell it to blankie ( we got lucky on sleep, however). H is getting a feel for her newly found super powers - she's learned how to get her way, so that's what she will do. It's normal, it's always a phase.

The Tompkins Family said...

This too shall pass. Repeat over and over until you believe it! :)

Meet you in Vegas.

ShannonB said...

Hey D, sorry to read this! I read in some parenting book/website (they all blend together now) that around this age, they start to understand distance. That's where separation anxiety comes in (mommy is near/far) but could also apply to the things she wants that you take away/take her off of (desired thing is far = tantrum). I dunno. If it makes you feel better we are back in the land of crappy sleeps and he's crying a lot more lately too, mostly whenever I set him down or leave the room. Hugs!

Bobi AKA Stacey said...

Hi! It's been awhile! Technically difficulties.

Sounds like someone is practicing for the terrible twos. A friend of ours has a 9 month old little boy, and she is having the same issues. He suddenly decided he hates sleep, and is King. I guess in a year this is where I will be.