Friday, March 23, 2012

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • It's FRIDAY!!! I have successfully (by 6pm) completed my first week of work. Longest. Week. Ever. 
  • Speaking of work, it's going well. And by well, I mean it's going as good as it can for being away from my baby all day, every day. There is a tonne to learn and my head is spinning, but I think I'm really going to like it!! 
  • I need a 36" inseam and so I have a really hard time finding dress pants but recently I was informed that if you order off the Ricki's website you can get 36" inseam! I ordered a pair of pants on Sunday and yesterday I got an email that said all pants were 40% off... $#&%!!!!!
  • I ordered a second pair, obviously.
  • My besties come this weekend from the city. Unfortunately their grandmother passed away so the nature of the visit isn't the best, however we are having birthday celebrations on Saturday night and we will have a blast regardless. I haven't seen them for a couple months (when I had a baby free weekend in Van *gasp* in January) and they haven't seen H since September! I'm SO excited and I can't wait for them to see how much she's changed. 
  • Want some random H facts?
  • Eyes, ears, knees, toes, belly, button (belly button), boobies, head, hair, and mouth - theses are all the body parts she currently knows, recognizes, and attempts to say - some sounding better then others. 
  • She also knows the sounds that a kitty, puppy, duck, cow, and horse say! 
  • She's obsessed with hand cream and chap stick.
  • She has a mullet. We're tossing around the idea of cutting it but we go back and forth. It's just so precious.. and funny! 
  • I painted her toes! She loves them and says "oooohhh niiice toooesss".
  • She doesn't do her stink face anymore (thank god!) but now she does the "who-face" (from who-ville!).. I'll have get a picture of it, it's pretty cute. 
That's it for today... head on over here to check out more leftovers. 


The Tompkins Family said...

H, you are one smart cookie!

Our Sampson Family said...

Grace is rocking a mullet too!

Danifred said...

Both of my girls rocked a mullet for a while. I hated cutting it, but loved the effects afterwards.