Saturday, March 17, 2012


December 30th, 2011.. That was my last post. Awful, right? I had starting writing out a "New Years Resolutions" post and I was stressing about finding the time, the energy, and the desire. I sat back and thought that perhaps the new year should start of with a blog break. I needed to find the ability to enjoy it again. I've never been a consistent blogger, though I go through phases of good and bad, but somehow I began to find that I was always worrying about what I was going to write about and if people even read it. It felt more like a job than anything, so I quit - for awhile.

I guess in a way it is a job. This is my "baby book" for H. I have a box of momentums as well but I don't have a written out book like many other people do. For this reason, and this reason alone, I feel guilty for taking this break. I especially feel guilty because in the past 3.5 months H has changed from a baby into a little girl. She is blowing our minds on an hourly basis.

I'm hoping that this go around I can fall into some sort of blogging routine. I know the next few months are going to be a bit crazy as we have lots coming up including renovations, a move, and a brand new, full-time job(!), but I am going to give it my best.

Hope you all missed me ;)

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Do you know what's really funny? I was going to look back at your last post and comment on it and remind you that it existed! :)