Monday, June 7, 2010

{Ice Cream & Pickles Are So Last Year}

Saturday nights dinner:
Cucumber slices and Mr. Noodles

Last nights dinner:
Corn on the cob & greek salad

Tonight's dinner:
Ham & Cheese sandwiches for an appy. Main course - baked potatoes with sour cream!

Random? I'm aware.
Good for me? Probably not.
Necessary? Very!

For some reason, lately I cannot decide on what to make for dinner. I get my mind set on one thing and that's all I want (ie: corn on the cob, baked potatoes, etc.). Luckily I eat healthy throughout the day and have a balanced breakfast and lunch so I know I'm getting the nutrients I need and I suppose it could be worse.. I could be having ice cream and pickles for dinner, right? But I do worry about C. I feel bad that he's having to eat these random things because that's just what I make and he really has no say. I know he's quite capable of making his own dinner, and sometimes he will, but usually he just eats what I make and doesn't make a fuss. He's a good sport that husband of mine.. perhaps I'll keep him around - and feed him vitamins!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your gonna be amazing Parents!!! Iam so excited for you