Monday, October 17, 2011

{Shh, Don't Tell ANYONE}

Evening thinking about posting this is making me nervous... I know as soon as I say something it's all going to change, that's how it always works!! Either way, I can't hold it in any longer, so here it goes:

The baby we have waiting 10 and a half months for has FINALLY arrived. She is happy - all.the.time. She's funny. She's sleeping through the night again. She laughs and smiles and squeals as she crawls around playing with her toys!). It's only been a week, but it's been the best week we've had since we brought her home (well, the happiest week, anyways).

Now that I've shouted it from a mountain she's screaming at me for ignoring her and I must go watch it all unravel before my eyes. Ha!

-This will teach me for saying something.


1 comment:

Our Sampson Family said...

Good to hear!
Keep it up, Hadley!