Wednesday, October 26, 2011

{11 Months Old}

This past month has been amazing. It started off a little bit rocky with extreme attitude, lack of sleep and whining but the past few weeks have been the best weeks we've had in the past ELEVEN Months! H has turned into the happiest baby out there. She's content to play alone, she sleeps through the night (most nights), and naps for hours (crrazzzyyy!). She's still an awesome eater but we've found out recently that she does not like tomatoes. I can deal with that - they're gross anyways. 

She has begun standing unassisted on her own time. She will play with toys while just standing there. We've been trying the "come to ma'ma" thing in hopes to see those first steps but no luck. Last week she did a quick 2 step before reaching to C, which is more than the usual 1 step lunge she does regularly. Perhaps we're close? 

Bath time is no longer fun as all she wants to do is stand and won't let us lay her back anymore. She loves to play with other babies/kids and is still very much a curious baby. She is more of an observer, though. She sits back and takes it all in before she goes and joins the fun. 

H went on her first plane ride this month. She wasn't too sure about it and turned slightly green. I was worried there would be crying but fortunately there was not. We went to Vancouver to visit grampa in the hospital and to see her bestie M. 

We are still at 8 teeth and wearing size 4 diapers. I get her weighed tomorrow so I will update her weight and height at that point. 

H is full of loves. She adores almost everyone and hands out hugs and kisses like they're going out of style. I sit on one side of the room and say "kiss kiss" and she comes crawling over as fast as she can to give kisses. She is still extremely attached to her blankie and we do not go anywhere with out it and the dreaded sucky still exists. 

Her favorite song is Itsy Bitsy Spider and she loves to wave hello and goodbye. She has been saying dada more this month but the ma'mas are still few and far between. 

What Happened This Month?:
*She had her first plane ride and skytrain ride on Oct 21st, 2011

*She developed a hate for tomatoes

*We've switched to milk. She's a dairy baby now which is earlier than "recommended" but it was suggested by our doctor and so far we couldn't be happier with the transition. 

*She drinks between 16 and 20oz a day and has 3 meals + snacks. 

*We had a swimming pool playdate with all her friends (minus one) and she loooved it. We will be going more regularly. 

*She's become more independent with everything but especially with eating. She doesn't like to be fed and is getting significantly better at using her spoon. 

*She's still into EVERYTHING.

*She LOVES to climb stairs and is incredibly good at it. 

*She knows how to get off over her chair and our bed. She goes to the edge, turns around, holds the duvet and slides off until her feet hit the ground. It's totally adorable and she is so proud of herself every time she does it. 

*She knows how to show you she's "Soooooo Big!" (video on that sometime soon). 

This is her last month under a year. I always said that I wanted to wait until she's about 3 before we have another baby but the closer she gets to being "1" the more I want another. I don't really want another one right now but I guess I'm just a little bit sad that she's growing up so quickly. I can say that this past month has been my favourite month with her. I've loved every month we've had with her but this month has been so full of wonder and growth. She learns so quickly and catches on to things I never even imagined she could. She seriously amazes me 

Happy 11 Months, H. Your Mumma Loves You xo


The Tompkins Family said...

Hads, you are such a big girl and have changed so much in 11 months! Getting prettier by the day!

Our Sampson Family said...

She is so beautiful!

Bobi AKA Stacey said...

Congratulations on another wonderful month with H! She is beautiful!