Thursday, November 24, 2011

{365 days ago [Part 1]...}

I didn't write much while I was pregnant and that's a regret of mine (not one that keeps me up at night, but I just wish I had of recorded more of it is all) so here's a recap of what was happening November 24th, 2010 (it was a Wednesday).

I woke up in the morning and still felt horrible. I was going on day 3 or 4 of a cold and it was really beginning to kick my ass. I finished rearranged my living room, which I'd started with the help of my auntie a couple days prior. After that I did some laundry and while my auntie was finishing up moving furniture I sat on the nursery floor folding baby clothes. I had a shower, took a belly picture, ate some chocolates and lounged around wishing my Braxton Hicks would just go away and my back would stop hurting.. you know, the usual day in the life of a prego.

At about 12pm I was thinking that perhaps my Braxton Hicks contractions were in fact real and that perhaps I should start timing them. They seemed to be coming about every 11 minutes so I texted C and told him that when he got home from work we may have to go into the hospital. He said okay but I don't think he actually realized what I meant. I called my doctor at about 2 and told her of my back pain and my contractions and asked her if I should just wait until the next day when I had a doctors appointment with her. She said that it sounded like I was in labour and that I should go in to get checked. I instantly panicked. I hadn't packed a bag or anything. I slowly started getting things together while I waited for C to get home and puttered around the house doing last minute things. It was snowing pretty hard and the contractions were getting stronger so when C got home at about 5pm we left for the hospital pretty much right away.

When we got to the hospital I refused to bring anything in with me, I was 100% convinced I was about to become that girl. You know, the one that thinks she's in labour when she's not? Anyways, we went in, I was hooked up to monitors and sure enough, my contractions were about 6 minutes apart and consistent. They checked me and I wasn't even 1cm. Because it was snowing so hard they gave me the option of staying at the hospital or leaving and coming back when the contractions were closer together. We opted to leave and went to C's parents who live much closer then we do. I had some dinner (the only food I'd eaten all day aside from an entire box of chocolates), walked on the treadmill, bounced on an exercise ball, and relaxed a bit. At about 9pm my contractions were closer together (about 3minutes) and getting stronger. I went up stairs to have a pee and as I was walking up the stairs I felt a gush. I thought I had pee'd myself but then it happened again, and again. My water was leaking! We went back to the hospital shortly after that and we were admitted.

They kept testing my fluid to make sure it was my waters, and the test kept coming back negative. The nurses didn't understand why because they said there really was no other explanation for fluid pouring out of a pregnant woman. They said in the morning my doctor would come in and do a microscopic test and we would know for certain. In the meantime I was to try and get some sleep. Shortly after, at around 12am my contractions stopped...

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

Isn't it every prego's fear to be "that girl"?!

Love the reminiscing!