Saturday, November 26, 2011

{1 Year Old}

A year? An entire year? Really??!! How did that happen. I've been doing quite a lot of reminiscing the past month week.. I never really imagined it would be so emotional to have my babygirl turn One! I honestly don't know where the time has gone. I feel like it was just yesterday I was staring into her sweet blue eyes for the very first time....

Is there a rewind button?

This month has been fun. H's personality is shining like never before. She's such a ham and loves to laugh and make others laugh. She's a huge show off and the life of the party. If you're watching, she's performing! Her favourite kids song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider".. I've yet to catch it on video but it's seriously the cutest, she lights up as soon as you start singing and she does the actions and everything! She's really into dancing and loves it when music plays - no matter what kind.

The damn tooth fairy won't leave us alone. We're at 9 teeth now. bottom 4, top 4 and her bottom R molar came in on Nov 6th. If I had to guess I would say that her bottom left will be through any day. She's definitely not her happy go lucky self at the moment! 

On Nov 1st she fiiiinally said "Mom" and then Nov 23rd she started to say "dada". Now it's "hi dad" every time she sees him. Totally precious. That puts our word count at 10 (mom/mama, dad/dada, hi, baba, ball, up, bath(bah), baby, Elmo and Ya)! She also says "meow" to the cat. She's really starting to "talk" to us more and is working hard at imitating what we say. She knows where her belly is and if you ask her she tries to lift her shirt up to show you and sticks it way out. 

On Nov 17th we got to see her first steps. I have never felt more proud in my life! I was squealing and giddy. She is definitely still a "crawler" though. She only walks if we force her to.. ie. let go of her hands so she has no choice. The most steps she's taken is 6 but she gets SO excited about it that half the time she just tries to run and falls down before she gets 3 steps in. My guess is that it'll be at least another month before we'll be calling her a walker. Either way, she's on the right track - and we're in no hurry! 

She currently weighs in at 22lbs 7oz and is only 29.25" tall. I'm not sure on the percentiles for that but I know she's a bit short which makes her look chubbier than she is. We have her 1 year well check on Tuesday so I'll make sure to update the percentiles at that time (not that it really matters, regardless). Dec 1st are her 1 year shots - I am NOT looking forward to that. 

H continues to be a really good eater though she is becoming pickier. I think now that she knows what she like BEST she sometimes won't eat other things until you assure her they're good. She loves meat, especially chicken. She still has 2-3 bottles a day (before naps and bed) but drinks from her sippy cup throughout the day. She's obsessed with juice - of any kind - but rarely gets it. 

When it comes to sleep.. it's hit or miss. She generally sleeps through the night but has been staying up much later talking away to herself in her crib these days. She still has 2 naps most days and we tried to cut that down to 1 to see if she'd sleep better but she's made it quite clear that she still NEEDS 2 naps a day. She's in 12-18mo clothing, size 4 diapers and size 3 shoes.

I don't ever want to forget the past 12 months. It's amazing how one little person can change your World as you know it... and just when you start to think things cant get much better - they do, daily! 

Happy 1st Birthday, H. Your Mumma Loves You xo

1 minute old
1 hour old 
1 day old 
1 week old
1 month old 


The Tompkins Family said...

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! You are so precious! XOXO

Amandacita said...

Happy Birthday Hadley. Also D you are a freak of nature for looking so good right after giving birth.

Staceyb8 said...

Happy Birthday Miss H! xo

Anonymous said...

Awe, happy birthday Hadley! You are sooo cute! I love the "past year" shots :)

WeeMama said...

Happy Birthday Little Miss!