Saturday, November 26, 2011

{365 Days Ago [Part 3]...}

After pushing for what felt like an eternity my contractions slowed down to about 8 minutes apart. I pushed like this for quite some time, sleeping and crying between contractions. I kept telling C I was going to die because I honestly thought I was going to.

Finally, when the realized the contractions weren't going to pick up again, they decided to put some oxytocin in my IV drip to get things moving - 10 minutes later, on November 26th, at 12:48am, Hadley Grace Foster was born. 

It felt like my pregnancy and labour had taken forever but as soon as she was placed on my chest, I couldn't even remember life without her. I cannot believe how quickly this past year has gone by and how much she has grown. She has taught me so much about myself, my relationships and what matters most in life. It's amazing how one tiny being can change you so much. 

I am beyond excited for the years to come.

Happy 1st Birthday, Babygirl, we love you more than you could ever imagine <3