Tuesday, January 19, 2010

{170 and Counting}

It’s been awhile, I know and I’m sorry. I find it hard to blog every night as I’d planned because my life isn’t all that exciting. I do the same things everyday, over and over again.. with a few exceptions of course, like this past weekend! We celebrated one of my bestgirls’ 21st Birthday. It was 10 days belated but we still had so much fun. We all got together at some friends’ house downtown and drank some drinks, ate some food and then went dancing! All in all it turned out to be a pretty fun night with some fabulous people. I have some pretty amazing girlfriends who in turn have some pretty amazing boyfriends so I definitely don’t have many complaints in the “friends department” (aside from the fact that I don’t get to see them nearly as much as I would like to). Here’s a couple pictures I stole off the Pop Opera website. The Birthday Girl looking beautiful as ever in red and her entourage dressed in the B-day Dress Code; Black. My friends are so gorgeous they could wear garbage bags and still look wonderful but I kinda enjoy the heels, hair and makeup!

On a less exciting note, I’ve been feeling really anxious for school to be done lately. I mean, the day I started I was pretty much looking forward to the day it would be over, but at this moment I can barely wait. It’s not because I don’t enjoy it, in fact, I really enjoy the course. I can see myself loving my career in the future but I’d just really like to get on with it already! Maybe it’s because we’re half way through. We’ve started talking a lot about practicum and where and when they will be held and that’s exciting. Maybe it’s because 3/4 of the people in my class are useless and do nothing but waste our time, or maybe it’s the simple fact that I’m homesick and just want to move home already. Regardless of the reason, I just know that I can’t wait for it to be done. Only 170 days left! That’s 4079 hours.. or 244757 minutes. Whichever way you look at it, it’s so close.. and yet, so far. Sigh.

Now for the wii update: I've seen on some other blogs that people are doing something called "McFatty Mondays". I'm not really sure what it's all about but it seems that this is the day these fellow bloggers tell their "followers" and anyone else who wants to listen, how their exercising and weight loss is coming along. They also include their goals for the week to follow. At first I thought it was a little bit silly however, the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. Having goals is one thing but actually putting them out there for everyone to read is another. I think it gives you more drive to accomplish things when other people know about them. So here it goes.. since I've got my wii fit (11 days ago) I've lost 3lbs. At first the graph was up and down daily 1-3lbs however I realized I needed to start weighing myself at the same time each day and it has steadily gone down each day since I've started doing that. I don't actually see results but I feel amazing! I have so much energy and I am eating super healthy for the mos .... OMG.. C JUST CLIMBED INTO BED WITH A BAG OF POPCORN AND A CAN OF COKE.. HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!!!!!! Sorry, what was I saying.. right, and I've been eating really healthy for the most part but I'm not being super strict about it because then I'm just going to start hating it and right now I'm enjoying it. So far it's going well and I really hope I can stick to it. Bikini weather will be here before we know it and I'm determined to be ready for it!

Goals for this week:

  1. Drink 3-5 bottles of water a day (refilled, not store-bought, that's just bad for the environment!)
  2. Work out at least once a day for a minimum of 25 minutes
  3. Only have 1 Starbucks tea misto (lol)
  4. Eat the grapefruits I bought WITHOUT sugar (sooo hard!) and lastly....
  5. Resist this popcorn...... gaaah

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