Wednesday, January 6, 2010

{Motivation is Key}

A post a day, that's my goal. So far it's going good but we'll see how long I can keep it up, after all, this is all new to me still! I made some changes to the blog today.. mostly out of boredom- story of my life.

Now that Christmas holidays are over reality calls and I've started looking for a job. Turns out that living off a single income doesn't exactly support my shopping, lunch dates, or $5 Starbucks lattes. Not only that, I hate having to rely on C for everything, especially to pay MY bills. I know, I know, now that we're married "what's mine is yours" regardless, I don't like it and so the job hunt begins. It's been a nice month off but I knew it couldn't last forever. My school hours change on Monday so now I'll be attending class from 12-4:30pm and I'm not impressed about it. These stupid hours will make it even tougher for me to find a new job because I'm going to be limited to evenings. late nights + early mornings are no fun but I only have 7 more months and it's all over... I'll survive.

The Canucks won last night.. 7-3. It's because we didn't end up going. That's right, every game I watch, we lose. I've been to 3 games at GM Place and I'm yet to see them win. The second I turn the game on the TV, or sit down to watch it, the other team gets a goal. I'm bad luck. C ended up giving our tickets to a friend at work yesterday because we were going to be too rushed to get there on time. I was looking forward to it but instead I went on with my initial plans. I cooked the roast (in the slow cooker!), did laundry, and cleaned up around the house. C got home from work and we ate, watched the Canada vs. USA gold medal game. We lost - you can blame me, it was probably my fault. After the game We turned on a movie and I was sleeping by 8pm. No nap=tired D. All in all, it was a relaxing and nice night at home with C.

School today was pretty funny. We've got some rather interesting people in our class. I won't go into too much detail but there is one lady who has had 5 children and didn't know that you urinate and gave birth out of two separate holes, another girl who mutters to herself about everything she does, ie (while opening her water bottle) "yup, I'm just going to have a little sip of this", and multiple people who would scare just about anybody out of getting their blood taken simply by watching them take it. There is a reason I only ever let K take my blood.. most everyone else scares me because they're so terrible. K doesn't even leave bruises and I am
so thankful to her for not making me look like a needle addict. Speaking of school, I got a print off of my marks today, all A's and an overall grade of 90%. I guess enjoying what you're doing pays off. It makes me want to continue to the best that I can. Oh, and also, that project that was due today, isn't actually due until tomorrow. Hooray for finally finishing something before the VERY last minute!

I've resisted napping for the past 2 days. I'm hoping that if I make it all week my urge to sleep the afternoon away will be gone. I'm feeling okay today however I did sleep from 8 last night until 7 this morning so it's no surprise I'm not tired. On a brighter note, literally, it's a beautiful day out there and I even had to wear my sunglasses while I walked to the grocery store earlier. I'm hoping that once the weather starts getting warmer C will finally give in to my nagging and start going for walks with me. His excuse right now is that it's too cold out there, I wonder what it will be once it's warm! hehe. But seriously, I need to start exercising more. I've been begging for a Wii so I can get Wii Fit. Unfortunately since Christmas the entire World (okay, maybe not quiiiite) is sold out of the damn things. C says that as soon as we can find one we'll buy it and this makes me happy. Motivation is key and right now I have it, lets hope it sticks around!

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