Tuesday, January 5, 2010

{Hockey & Hotdogs}

Okay, so here's the thing.. last night after I signed off I decided to turn on a movie. I knew that I'd watch about 2 minutes of it and fall asleep.. right. After the 2 hour long movie it was 3:30 in the morning and my alarm was set for 6am. I hit the "snooze" button about a thousand times and then when I finally drug my ass out of bed I realized I could barely see because my eyes were so puffy from crying while watching "My Sisters Keeper" only a mere 3 hours prior. C quickly informed me how much he hates that I hit the snooze button so many times and that I am no longer allowed to be in charge of the alarm clock... THANK FUCKING GOD- I hate that thing!

Anyways, as the morning progressed I was already thinking about my afternoon nap and dreading that when I wake up from it I have to write an entire essay project that I've had weeks to do, yet never even started; it's due tomorrow. These thoughts are mixed in with the dilemma of whether I should cook the roast in the slow cooker or the oven. My thoughts were interrupted when C said "be ready when I get home from work, we need to leave right away." Leave for what!? Oh right.. the Canucks game. Well that solves dinner plans.. Mr.Tubesteak it is!

This is actually good news. Not only do I get a lovely "date night" with C (even if it is to a sports game), I had to do my project at school instead of tonight. This means my afternoon is free of everything. No cooking, no homework, just.. well, napping! Oh wait, there's still that laundry... hmm?

ps. I have a feeling I'm going to need some sort of AA for bloggers. I'm already addicted.

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