Tuesday, February 8, 2011

{Brief Hiatus}

It's been almost 2 weeks since I blogged last. No worries though, I'm back at it. My lack of blogging wasn't because I had nothing interesting to write about, in fact, it was the complete opposite - I've been totally busy!

I just got back from a mini vacation to The City. I brought H with me but unfortunately C had to stay home to work and feed his parents fish (we're house sitting while they're away in sunny Mexico for 2 weeks). H was fabulous the entire week I was gone. She slept great on the drive down, and the drive back. She slept through every. single. night. in baby M's crib (she's still in her bassinet), she behaved while we shopped and she developed the funniest personality. She is so smiley and she has been laughing more often - though her laughs almost sound like coughs, it's hilarious. 

I had such a great time visiting with my besties. We first went to S&B's to meet their new baby, M. She's 1 month and 3 days younger than H and it's so crazy to see what a difference 1 month makes in their development/personalities. Baby M is just so wee still, and soooo adorable. I spent 4 days with them and while I was there I got a new lens for my camera so of course we had a photoshoot with the girls.. 
My fave of the bunch.. 

Apparently H prefers to do the leaning.
H and I also went and visited my little brother who happened to be spending a few overdue nights in Juvi. It was great to see him and for him to meet his niece however I would have much rather it been at home than in "the big house (for little people)". He was in good spirits though and thankfully he's home now. Little punk!

After we left S&B's I got the pleasure of meeting Baby N. She has been at Children's Hospital since the end of September and I've heard so much about her so it was nice to finally meet her, and her parents, in person. K belongs to a group of mommies I talk to online. We originally started our group when we were pregnant and it was a great support system full of laughs, and too much information. I don't know that I could have got through my pregnancy without this group of wonderful ladies from all across Canada. Baby N wasn't due to come into this world until the end of December however, as we all know, sometimes things don't go as planned. You can read all about her story here, and also follow her progress. When H and I arrived at the NICU we met up with K and D. D took H and had some snuggles while I went to meet the Princess. Here is some pictures of our meet and greet. 
D, meet N

K, meet H

And finally, last but not least, our trip ended at The AunTee's!! Of course H got spoiled with cuddles and snuggles. We had a nice 2 night stay with them. Did some shopping, had some good dinners, lots of nice girl talk. It was wonderful to see them and catch up. I sure miss my Besties... 

All in all, it was a great trip and a nice get away from the everyday routine. We sure did miss daddy though, and we're both happy to be home to his hugs!!


Anonymous said...

So great to go on vacation and so great to come home! It was awesome to meet you and little baby H, and Ny told me she loved her visitor!

AunTee said...

Absolutely loved having you with us & wish you two could have stayed longer!! xoxo