Sunday, February 20, 2011

{Tummy Time Tutorial}

A Torture Tummy Time Tutorial - by H

Step 1: Show mom that you know how to do it. Prove you're not a weak little baby and you reeeeally don't need to do this daily.

Step 2: Slowly get upset so it doesn't look like you're faking. (If you instantly start squealing mom will know something is up.)

Step 3: Scream bloody murder. Make it count, it has to sound like you are going to die if someone does not end the madness that is Tummy Time!! (Never, and I repeat, NEVER, put your head down. If you give up, they will think you need more practice!)

Step 4: Wait until mom flips you over on your back. Smile your very biggest smile, instantly, so she knows she saved your life.

Step 5: Continue smiling and giggling. Kick your feet and wave your arms in excitement. The longer you can keep it up, the better, because it will make your mom feel like a hero for stopping your tears.

Honestly, it works every time... try it!


ShannonB said...

Baby A hasn't mastered step 3 yet, his strategy is "faceplant on the floor and scream so mom thinks she really is killing you".

Anonymous said...

Love it. Nyana hasn't yet figured out the "never put your head down" part. She actually does the exact opposite - she'll give up as soon as she's on her tummy, and drift off (or pretend to drift off) to sleep. Brat.

Chantal said...

Ha ha ha! A hasn't figured out step 1 even - her plan is let mom put me down and then fall asleep!

CanadianMama said...

Chicken was a reflux baby and so is Little Bear. Chicken never got tummy time and Little Bear gets almost none too. Chicken hit his physical milestones later because of it but he totally caught up. Sorry your babe hates it so much!

The Tompkins Family said...

Great post, D!!

Love the quilt that H is on.

Anonymous said...

Dakota hates tummy time too - pulls the same thing as H! Funny thing though, on the diaper change table he does superman on his tummy and squeals with joy. I don't get it. I love how you captured the whole thing on camera - beautiful pictures!