Wednesday, February 16, 2011

{Goodbye Tummy, Hello Bikini}

It's not much of a secret that pregnancy isn't very nice to your body. Sure, having that nice perfectly round, smooth belly is cute as heck, but when the baby comes out and that belly is hollow.. eep! I've been pretty lucky. I fit into my jeans before I left the hospital and I'm below pre-prego weight without any exercise. The issue isn't the weight, it's the jiggle. It's time to start shredding. Jillian Michaels is about to become my new best friend for the next 30 days and I'm NOT looking forward to it. Her and I came in contact back before I was pregnant and our friendship lasted all of 4 days before I threw her in the garbage. This time, I mean business! I WILL get my tummy ready for summer & the dreaded bikini season.

I'm going to take my weight and measurements tonight and this will be Day 1. I'm really hoping I can stick to it consistantly for the next 30 days and tone up - wish me luck!

Also, if you don't hear from me with a progress report within the next 3 days.. I may have died.
Exercise is the Devil.


Anonymous said...

Good luck! You're braver than me!

Anonymous said...

Yes, good luck. Jillian is sitting in my download library....I just need to pick a time to get off my ass and do it, lol.

Anonymous said...

I miss working out, stupid separated abdominal muscles.Good luck and try to enjoy yourself!