Friday, February 18, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • H is 12 weeks old, today. 12 weeks - Seriously? If I continue blinking she'll be starting Kindergarden! 
  • I started Jillian Michael's: 30 Day Shred on Wednesday. It makes me want to kill myself but I am determined not to give up. If I finish it in 30 days, with no cheating/skips, I'm rewarding myself with a little Victoria's Secret shopping spree of bathing suits! 27 days to go... fml.
  • I packed up my first box of H's stuff that doesn't fit and passed it along to a friend who's due in a couple weeks. I didn't think I would have such an attachment to tiny little pink sleepers but my goodness was it hard to say goodbye! I kept certain things because we do plan on having another one day (not soon) and if it happens to be a girl I would be sad if I gave everything away.
  • At the end of May the eldest of my little sisters is Graduating. I am SO excited. I can't wait to head up to the sunny Okanagan and see everyone, and especially to see her Grad. She really makes me feel old!
  • Tummy Time is STILL on H's "hate" list. It's like torture or something. It kills me to watch her fight it so I often walk away and go do dishes, or put on makeup. Anything to pass 5 or 10 minutes. If I sit and watch her, or talk to her, I end up picking her up right away because she's screaming and I feel bad. I know it's good for her, and necessary to do, but WHEN will she stop hating it!!??!?! 
  • H has 10 pairs of shoes and 7 pairs of boots... She hasn't worn a single pair. I really should start putting them on her but it just seems like so much more work than it's worth. They can't really be comfy for her, can they?
  • I love Skype.
  • A friend of mine is pregnant, again. She hasn't told anyone yet because it's still early but I AM SO EXCITED I COULD BURST. :)
  • Crib Training is going okay. She will sleep most nights in her crib but she won't go down until 11ish. I guess once we get her used to it fully, the next chore will be making bedtime a wee bit earlier. Mom and Dad need some alone time, too, H.
  • C has my car today. He just texted me and said "Lol, your centre console is awesome.. 5 tampons, 2 straws, an iPod, and a soother." ... That is a rather random centre console. 
  • I kind of want cloth diapers... 
  • Contrary to what yesterday's post may have you believe - I despise snow. Bringing H out in it just seemed like the right thing to do. Regardless, it sure is beautiful.
  • Those are my leftovers for the week. Throw yours out here!


CanadianMama said...

Hi there,
Found you through Danifred. My baby is 2.5 months and I've been giving away stuff too. He's my last though so it's all going away. Totally bittersweet!

The Tompkins Family said...

I have a super close girlfriend who is pregnant too...I am the only one who knows besides her fiancee (and I knew before him!). I am so excited for her!!! And it makes me want to be pregnant again (though without a child as an end result).

Cloth...don't do it!! I'm totally kidding (kind of). I had an entire year of frustration where I wanted to stab myself in the eye for buying them. Do you have HE front load washer? If you do, then I stand by telling you not to.

And I'm sure people will totally comment after me telling you cloth is awesome.

Carrie27 said...

I kept all of my oldest's clothes, toys, etc until we had the twins. Everything the twins are outgrowing, though, we are sending away. I have kept a few items still that I am fond of and plan to someday make them each a quilt (or have someone make it).

Stopping in from FNL.

Sarah said...

Stopping in from FNL.

30 Day Shred. It is killer, but if you keep with it it gets easier...and you see results :) I'll be starting that back up in a couple months.

Tummy's hard. Most babies hate it. My daughter hated it so much I think it actually inspired her to roll over sooner ;) I would walk away for a few minutes too.

I can't bring myself to get rid of my daughters stuff (we are having a boy), even though we probably won't be having anymore. I keep thinking maybe we will, so I should hold onto it for a few years :/

Danifred said...

I honestly don't think we put shoes on either of our kids for the first year. It was socks or bare feet all the way. Maybe that's why they despise them now!?!!