Saturday, February 26, 2011

{3 Months Old}

likes: (they're pretty much the same as month 2)
*Baths - forget like, she LOVES them. She gets super excited as soon as she hears the tub running and her arms and legs start going. Once she's in she "swims" like crazy. 
*Massages - beside the heater
*Outside - she loves fresh air. 
*Laying on her change table - it's her favourite place to be. 
*The fan - it runs in her bedroom while she sleeps and she sleeps so good!
*Rocks in her glider
*Funny faces and voices - she giggles and smiles so much when you talk to her in silly voices.
*Gripe Water

*Sore Tummies - she loses her mind. 
*Her carseat - ugh. HATES it, with a passion.

could take it or leave it:
*The singing mirror in the car - sometimes it makes her happy, sometimes she hates it.
*Her swing
*Her bumbo
*Her sucky - she prefers her hands these days
*Bedtime - sometimes she goes down easy, sometimes she screams for 10 minutes.
*Tummy Time - she's getting better at it and screams less and less each time. 

What happened this month:
*At her 3 month Doctor's Appointment she weighed in at 12lbs 10oz, and 23.75" long. She's in the 50th percentile for both weight and height, now. The doctor said she's "perfect" but I'm sure they tell everyone that. 

*She's still super chubby. Her thigh rolls are out of control and she has little boobies! 

*She caught her first cold. We were both sick at the same time and it made for quite the grumpy twosome. She still slept great though, so because of that we both got better quickly!

*She rolled over!! Three times in 1 day  (Feb 22/11)... and then never again. I can't wait until she does it more regularly.

*She laughed - like, for real. We've been getting "cough laughs" since last month but on Feb 23/11 she gave her first real one. Riiiight from the belly. It shocked me and I almost dropped her. She still doesn't do it often but we get about one real laugh a day and then a bunch of cough laughs (they sound kind of like she's coughing or breathing groggy).

*For 1 week exactly, she has been crib trained. We started our bedtime routine Feb 19/11 and it's going great! We have a bath, a massage, storytime while we eat and then put in the crib, awake. Once the fan is on, and the light is off, she usually goes to sleep without any issues. Every once in awhile we have about 10 minutes of screaming but it never lasts long. She's been sleeping from about 9pm-7am, eating, and then sleeping from about 715-1030. It varies a bit but sticks pretty close to this schedule. We're very lucky and hope it keeps up! (This better not jinx us).

*She's IN LOVE with her hands. They're always in her mouth - both of them. 

*Her blocked tear duct is gone!

*She smiles SO MUCH. It still melts my heart.

*We went on a week long trip to the city without daddy. She was excellent and slept so good the whole time we were there. We got to meet her new best friend, Makenna, and visit with her Auntee's. It was a long visit but it also included meeting her Uncle Mike which was nice. She loved him and was full of smiles. We were both happy to get home to daddy, though... or maybe I was a little more happy than she was!

*She "talks" lots and tells stories constantly. We love to hear what she has to say!

It's crazy how fast time flies (and I'm sure I'll say that every month) but she becomes so much funner every month. I can't get over how quickly she changes right before my eyes. It's so amazing to watch her grow.

Happy 3 Months, H! Your Mumma loves you xo

Little feeties! We're doing quarterly footprints... 


Anonymous said...

So amazing to see her growing so fast! Ny is discovering her hands, too. I can't wait until we get giggles.

Joan said...

Happy 3 months Sweetheart ♥
Can't wait to hear those real belly laughs soon!! oxox Grama

The Tompkins Family said...

Happy 3 Months Hads! You are such a smart and pretty girl...I love your static hair and cute rolls!

P.S. - Love the new background!

Anonymous said...

Happy 3 months H! I can't believe how fast our babies are growing. Both boys have found their hands, and G his giggles. D is too busy having serious conversations with himself for giggles!