Friday, February 25, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • We housesat at my Mom's last weekend. I'm loved housesitting when we didn't have a baby but now that we do, I would just much rather be at home. It's hard to stick to routine when you don't have all the things you have at your own home, especially a crib. 
  • We've been doing good with Torture Tummy Time this week. We still have moments of hate, but there are also long periods of time with her head held high. Perhaps soon we may actually like to hang out face down?
  • I'm addicted to The Food Network.
  • Hadley rolled over!! I know I already posted about it but I'm just so excited! That was on Tuesday and she refused to do it again. 3 times in a row and nothing since!
  • I got out on a Girl's Night on Tuesday. Me and one of my besties went and seen Country Strong. It was pretty good but it was really just nice to get out of the house. Apparently Miss H was NOT nice to daddy while I was gone though... little ma'ma's girl.
  • We've been crib training all week. We started a routine at bedtime and so far it's going great. She's been sleeping about 8-9 hours in her first stretch, waking for a feed, and then getting another 3-4 hours. This makes for a happy baby and an even happier mom and dad - We have our bed back!!
  • I've been making H a mobile for her crib. It's made of butterflies and I've been working on it about 45 mins a day for the past 5 days. I am thinking about perhaps making them to sell and so when I'm done I'll post pictures. I'm pretty sure after this one (which has been complete trial and error) I'll be able to have them done completely within 2-3 hours. So far I'm totally excited about it and it's looking awesome, I can't wait until it's finished so I can show it off! (and she BETTER love it).
  • Do you ever feel like you clean and clean and yet, nothing ever gets done? I swear to god I organize H's bedroom (and even our's) at least once every 3 days and yet I look around and there is shit everywhere. I know I only have myself, and perhaps C, to blame because H is obviously not big enough to make, or clean up, a mess but C'MON! I need a maid. 
  • The Shred is not going so well. I hurt my ankle and it was pretty swollen and bruised, then when it started feeling better.. well, I started to not feel so good. This cold can take a bloody hike. I guess I'll try again soon... better luck next time... if at first you don't succeed... .
  • I have been to Walmart every day this week. FML.
  • H is 13 weeks old today... she will be 3 months tomorrow so I'll update her stats then.
  • H and I are both sick. We have been for a few days and it's tough. I am the world's worst sick person. My mom, my husband, anyone who knows me, will tell you that I am horrible. Whiney, sad, sleepy, I complain constantly... it's bad. Looking after a sick baby when all you want to do is climb into a hole and die is not easy. To make it even better, sick H loves me more than un-sick H does.. therefore, no break for me, at all. Sometimes this parenting stuff is tough!
  • Winter can piss off. 
  • Yesterday I got a real live Giggle. Not the half cough have growly laughs I've been getting for a few weeks now, this one was right from the belly. It caught me so off guard I nearly dropped her and then I cried. Of course, like the rolling, she refused to do it again - but I'm chocking that up to being sick and grumpy. 
  • Visit Danifred and check out her leftovers, here


The Tompkins Family said...

Yay to little giggles! Hopefully you can catch one on video and post it!

Hoping you and H feel better soon. As you know, our house is a germ factory right now too and it SUCKS!!!!

Anonymous said...

They just tease you by hitting their milestones and then not doing it again for awhile!!

Keep up the tummy time, she'll get the hang of it sometime. Or she'll hate it so much she'll start rolling over more regularly! I swear Dakota will roll over first because he just hates it so much. Griffin loves tummy time and could hang out for hours doing push ups until he falls asleep.

Mrs. Z said...

Coming by from Leftovers! I had a tummy time hater too...I think right around the time he learned to roll tummy to back he actually started liking tummy time, when he knew he could get himself out of it if he felt the need! Feel better!

Sarah said...

Popping in from FNL.

A lot of the time, I wonder why I even bother cleaning when it looks like my house was ransacked a few minutes later. I love my little tornado, though!

Being sick and taking care of a baby or toddler is rough. Wish you could have a sick day and call in a replacement ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear of her milestones. We're at ten weeks now and if H is at 13, then we're on track or only slightly behind.

Get better soon! But prepare to be sick more often than not for the next, oh, ten years, lol.

The Captain's Wife said...

Your daughter is completely adorable! Congrats. Little girls are SO MUCH fun.
We felt the same way about tummy time here, hence the fact that our kid has a flat left side of her head! lol! Guess she'll never be able to walk around with a shaved head!

Danifred said...

Love the new header! I remember those first giggles- absolutely the best. I'm with Tasha, I'd love to see a video :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by from FNL!

Baby giggles are the absolute best!!!

My twins hated tummy time like crazy too...but we learned the hard way that they HAD to do it and we just had to get over the crying. I know...not easy! But they eventually learned to like it and grew stronger.

We had decided to hire a cleaning lady last month - I was sooo excited - then the lady showed up to check out the house and must've decided she didn't want to do it - we haven't heard from her again. Total bummer :-(