Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our family. H left us about 3 days ago and in her place we have this:

I don't know who the eff stole my baby and replaced her with this grouch but I'd like her back. PLEASE. I seriously want to pull my hair out. She screams pretty much all day and when she's not screaming she's fussing. I've barely even got a smile out of her! She used to be the smiliest baby around. Anyways, I think she's teething, she's showing all symptoms (runny nose, looser stole, crying fits, exsessive drooling, chewing on EVERYTHING...) and I'm almost certain I can feel a little sharpie on her bottom left side. I guess we'll eventually find out but in the meantime I want to ship her away in a box (not for real, she's still pretty cute, even if she is crying). 


The Tompkins Family said...

I'm not sure if I can believe that your beauty is capable of being so grouchy...look how innocent she is in the picture!

CanadianMama said...

Aww, poor baby H! Tylenol, massage her gums and give her frozen wash cloths to chew on! Good luck Mama!!

Anonymous said...

Aw, you'll get your princess back. I think a lot of Ny's recent fussiness has something to do with teething, too.

Joan said...

awww poor baby girl :(
I agree, frozen washcloths work great! xoxo