Saturday, April 9, 2011

{Crafty Ma'ma!}

About a year ago a friend of mine posted a picture on facebook of the nursery she was preparing for her twin boys. Hanging above their beds were these and I fell in love. I demanded to know where she'd bought them and was devastated when she explained that they were from Pottery Barn Kids but were discontinued.

When H was about 2 months old I decided I wanted to make my own. I started it and then the procrastinator in me came out. It sat, unfinished, in the corner of our room for almost 2 months and then tonight I decided to finish it...

So, after 2 months of procrastination, it's finally done! It's definitely different from the original one that sparked my interest but I'm so happy with it and I can't wait to hang it above H's crib and see how she likes it. If she doesn't like it, she better pretend she does!

Also, I'm thinking of making more and selling them. I cut out the butterflies on a Cricut machine so basically I could make the mobiles out of anything -- bugs, horses, trucks, birds, random shapes. I could also do any colour combination you needed. What do you think? Would you buy one of these, and if so, how much would you pay?


Joan said...

oh it turned out beautiful, I love it and I'm sure H will as well :)

The Tompkins Family said...

You did SUCH a great job! So so beautiful.

I wouldn't charge any less than $50. There are hideously ugly ones for that price at Wal Mart and Babies R Us and they didn't take nearly the time or creativity to make. I think people would pay that. It's an excellent shower gift too.

Bobi AKA Stacey said...

I would buy one! And I'd pay between $50-$60. And any chance you could do one in Moose? Our dog M's name is Moose. And if we have a boy we are doing the nursery in blue and brown with brown puppy dogs and Moose.

Danielle said...

@Bobi - I'd have to check the cartridges and see if I have a moose but I probably could... the only thing is, is it wouldn't have a light ring at the top because I just had that kicking around from like 10 years ago. It would be a ribbon covered ring on the top, like the middle and bottom ones.

Unknown said...

Gah! That is so gorgeous!!! You could sell those for sure. I think $50-60 is completely reasonable. Don't sell yourself short, mama!