Tuesday, April 19, 2011

{Fill Me In!}

I missed FNL's and had a busy weekend away with Miss H so here's a quick recap, bullet style.

  • Friday afternoon we went to Victoria for a Bestie Weekend. We all met up there and had a nice dinner at The Med Grill (AMAZING), went shopping, and had some girl time. 
  • H and I also visited with some friends I haven't seen in a long time and got some pictures taken (checkout http://itsphotography.net)... all that's missing is that dad guy!

  • I went to Carter's and bought H some new summer clothes - Love that store... I pretty much could have spent hundreds but instead I got 7 items for under $30! 
  • On the drive back up Island we got stuck on the Malahat. Some oil tanker had crashed and it was all shut down. Traffic was a bitch but finally we made it through and we did it with a sleeping baby! 
  • H doesn't much like car rides but we lucked out on the way down and she slept the entire way, the way back she slept most of the way (but due to being stuck in traffic woke before we were back in Courtenay) and then fussed the rest. All in all, I think we lucked out with minimal screaming. 
  • Any schedule we had is now gone to shit. 3 nights of sleeping in bed with mom meant last night she was NOT about to sleep in her crib. She had very few naps, and no early bedtimes.
  • Once we got back to Courtenay we stayed a night with cousins and their new baby M. It was nice to visit and have a brand new baby snuggle.
  • The weather has been FABULOUS and the forecast says the next week is supposed to follow suit. H had her first nap out on the porch today! It's about time the cold f'd off!!
  • We're home now, as of last night, and it's great to be in our own bed and see C! I like going away but coming home is always nice.
There you have it, a quick overview of the past few days! Now wish us luck on getting back into a routine until the next time we go away!


Chantal said...

I hear you on the blowing the routine out the window! A has been completely off routine and just a cranky wanker our whole trip. Here's to hoping it doesn't take you long to get back on track!

Anonymous said...

It can certainly be hard to keep up the routine when travelling! But sometimes a little social time is worth the mess :). Hope little H settles in at home soon!