Friday, April 22, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • I'm seriously slacking in the blog department as of lately. I know I've said it a thousand times but I will really try to be better. I just find that there isn't enough time in the day these days. The weather is getting nicer, the days are getting longer.. just no time!
  • I've been busy. I spent last weekend in Victoria and then Courtenay with friends, this week I caught up on laundry and some spring cleaning (I can call it that now because the weather is finally acting Spring'ish), and now we're housesitting at my in laws while they're away. 
  • H had an amazing day yesterdady. She was the happiest I've ever seen her. We had very little crying, no screaming, tonnes of smiles and lots of giggles. Still no naps, but an okay night...  I'm one happy mama today! 
  • Speaking of today, so far she's happy again!
  • Also, friends are coming into town today for Easter. I'm excited as I haven't seen them since I went to visit their new baby M back at the beginning of Feb. It'll be nice to get some pictures of M and H together now that they're a bit older, they sure are the cutest little girls ever! 
  • While I'm talking about those friends... this is baby M doing the cutest thing ever... I couldn't stop laughing so check it out!!!
  • We've started food. Well, we started last Monday (the 11th) with rice cereal which was a hit. We introduced Sweet Potatoes, Squash and Bananas and those were a huge success but last night I tried to feed her peaches and she hates them. Peaches are my FAVORITE. In her defense - I tried them and they are a bit sour. Maybe when I make my own she won't dislike them so much (and if she does, then I'll just have to eat them myself, shucks)
  • I still have little to no success in the nap department and I reeeally wish I could get at least a 2 hour nap once a day so I can get some things done! 
  • Happy Easter Weekend, now hop on over to here to get some more leftovers. 


Danifred said...

Life just seems to keep speeding up more and more everyday. I don't get it.
I love those days when the kids seem so happy with the world. It makes life so much easier!
Happy Easter!

CanadianMama said...

Oh man, it's impossible to get anything done with a non-napping baby - suckey hey! Although, most babies I know get better as they get older so don't fret :)

Happy Easter - hopefully you have wonderful weather :)

Chantal said...

Watched the video of Baby M - DH thought there was a cat outside the window! LOL! Glad you got an awesome day out of H!