Sunday, April 10, 2011

{MmmMmm Good... or is it?}

This is what we did today:

I know, I know... They say to wait until 6 months before introducing solids... clearly They (whoever they are) have never seen my child eat! 

H has become consistently hungrier over the past couple weeks and the doctor recommended to try her on solids. She watches us with intense interest while we eat, so we figured we could give it a try. She doesn't really know what to think about it but opens wide and doesn't spit much out so she's on the right track! 

I can't believe how big she is getting. 


Staceyb8 said...

Awww, miss H! Glad you are getting to try different things! But do me a favor and stop getting sooo big so fast! Xox Here's to world full of new things...and tastes!

The Tompkins Family said...

Now the real fun begins!! :)