Friday, April 8, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • Okay so a while ago we were in Walmart and toothpaste was on sale... It was buy one get one free,  so logically we got 2 tubes. It's the most disgusting Crest toothpaste I've ever tasted. It's like sensitive whitening or something? Anyways, it's gross, and it leaves a gross taste in your mouth after you're done brushing. Odd thing is, everyone seems to like it except me. Two weeks ago I bought new toothpaste - for myself - and it was delicious. Yes, I said was. It's friggin' MISSING!!! Seriously, I used it for like 3 days and it disappeared. NObody knows where it went. It's the case of the missing toothpaste... and I'm back to brushing my teeth with the gross kind. Sigh.
  • My fingernails are out of control! I'm a nail bitter, I have been for years, but right now they are so long and awesome. The nail on the finger that got caught in the blender doesn't grow very well so it's super short while the rest are long, which sucks, but otherwise they're beautiful. I don't know if I kicked the habit after 23 years, or if I just no longer have time to bite!
  • While my nails have been great, my skin is not. The first 18 weeks of my pregnancy were TERRIBLE to my face. I have always had issues but my skin had been pretty good for quite some time and then when I got pregnant it went downhill quickly. It cleared up for the middle/end of my pregnancy and then when H was born it was BEAUTIFUL for about 3 weeks. Since then, it's gone downhill again. I feel like I've tried everything and it's still a disaster - so dry and broken out. Suuuuper annoying.
  • Also, there is more hair in my bed, on my floor, stuck in my clothes, and wrapped around H's toes than I have on my head. I am almost scared that soon I will be bald. Hooray for postpartum hair loss! Not.
  • H had her first trip to the beach/park earlier this week. The weather has been fairly decent and it better not be teasing me because I am well over winter. 
  • I brought H to the doc on Wednesday. She has reflux - apparently - so we got a prescription for Zantac and were on our way... but not before we got her weighed.. 14lbs 10oz. She's consistently been 50th percentile since 2 months old and remains to be in the 50th percentile now. If one more person tells me how fat she is, they're going to wish they didn't. 
  • I'm sucking at blogging. This week has been rough and I have had no desire to write about it. Check out some more leftovers here


Danifred said...

I often wonder about things that just vanish in our house. We've never lost toothpaste, but we've lost plenty of other random things.

I hope the weekend is better for you than the last week!

The Tompkins Family said...

I'm going to run out of cover up if I'm forced to keep covering up all the hideous zits I have. SIIIICK.

I really hate the taste of whitening toothpaste. It's like, extra foamy or something but with a too sweet after taste.

Mrs. Z said...

I really think people should just never talk about a baby's weight. My little guy was tiny and still is around the 20th percentile...and I hate hearing people say how tiny he is. I mean, either way it's like they're talking about YOU, ya know?

Jenner said...

Following you back! And so happy to realize that smelling like horses isn't always such a bad thing. In retrosepct, *I* use the sensitive whitening toothpaste! I wish they had it buy one get one around here! I want whitening but I can't brush with anything that isn't sensitive toothpaste. I absolutely despite the taste of all toothpastes, so that's nothing I can rightly complain about. I hate mint!!

Bobi AKA Stacey said...

Yuck! Gee bought foaming toothpaste last month and it was just gag-or-rific. I sent him out to get our usual stuff with the empty tube this time. He was successful! I stick with what I know.

As for skin, I have PCOS which causes acne. I had maybe 5 pimples my entire life until about 17 when the PCOS kicked in. I tried everything. Nothing worked. Stress and lack of sleep makes it worse though. It cleared up for about 2 weeks right after our positive test and I was super excited! Now I have pregnancy acne. Its on my neck, shoulders, back and face. I feel disgusting. I plan to ask the doctor for advice. I've heard they have free samples of special pregnancy face wash. I'll use it on my entire body if it works.

I do like noxzema though. I always feel refreshed and clean when I use it.