Saturday, January 1, 2011

{2010 - recapped}

Well it's January 1st, 2011. Where did last year go!? Here's a quick recap of 2010 with with The Fosters:
  • We survived our 1st year of marriage - they say it's the hardest year but I don't know how much I believe that as it really wasn't hard to get through <3 
  • I graduated school with a diploma as a Medical Lab Assistant. Being 6 months prego at graduation means I've yet to work - but that will come before I know it, I'm sure.
  • We moved back to our home town - finally. I miss the city from time to time (mostly when shopping or missing my besties) but I'm so happy to be HOME. 
  • In April I found out I was pregnant so much of our year consisted of me growing larger and grumpier by the day.. not so fun.
  • November 26th, nearly 3 weeks early, Hadley Grace Foster was brought into this world via my vajayjay. What I thought was the worst day of my life quickly turned into the best. You don't know love at first sight until you have a baby... 
  • We celebrated our first Christmas and New Year as a family of 3. 

Best wishes to you and your families as you enter a brand new year, make the best of the "fresh start".

2010 was a year we will never forget - 2011 will be the funnest yet!


The Tompkins Family said...

Happy 2011!

Auntie Jewels said...

How very well said :) I'm glad you've had some time to reflect...a very busy and fulfilling 2010 for you guys! All the best in 2011!