Saturday, March 26, 2011

{4 Months Old}

*Baths - though she doesn't swim like she used to, she just kind of lounges and relaxes, smiling away.
*Fresh Air - even in the rain and wind, the kid loves to be outside.
*Getting her diaper change - she has taken to kicking off with her feet and scooting her way up towards the top of the pad. This makes it difficult to keep the diaper underneath her and you have to almost pin her down to get it done up. She thinks this is hilarious.
*Rocks in her glider - this month she has taken to the glider more than ever. It's part of our nighttime routine and I look forward to her sleepy cuddles before I lay her down for the night. Sometimes if she's inconsolable I rock and then she settles almost immediately.
*Gripe Water - she sucks it back AND it helps her tummy feel better, win/win for both of us, really!
*Being Nakid - but then again, who doesn't love to be nakid?!
*Funny faces and voices - she's quite a ham and she loves all your attention to be on her. If you're making faces and talking to her in funny voices she is one happy girl.
*Being in Public - she's the happiest baby ever. She's nosey as hell so when we're out and about she just sits back and takes it all in, talking, giggling, smiling at strangers. She's really too cute.
*The Playmat - she lays and talks to her kitty and toucan. She bats at the butterflies and smiles away - until she's done and then she's mad.

*Naps - 45 minutes, 45 minutes, 45 minutes. She 45 minutes me to DEATH!!!
*Her car seat - still. I ordered a stationary 3 in 1 on Tuesday so hopefully this will solve our screaming car rides. I hope because it's bigger she'll be more comfortable.
*When mom leaves her at home and goes out without her - she likes me. A lot.

Could Take it or Leave it:
*The Jumperoo - she likes it for the first 5 minutes, tolerates it for the second 5 minutes, and then hates it.
*Tummy Time - it's really hit or miss. Sometimes she'll lay with her head held high for up to 15minutes, some days before I even have her down she's screaming.
*The bumbo - she never looks comfortable and never lasts long before she starts fussing.
*The Swing - we got a new one and she definitely likes this one more than the last but it's still not her favourite thing (of course it's not, because it's not my arms!). She hangs out in it, and occasionally naps, but never for long periods of time. Basically, it allows me to pee in peace, or make lunch with two hands!

What Happened This Month?:
*She is a talking machine! She has so much to say and has the cutest little "voice". I love waking up to her chatting away in her crib instead of crying (most of the time).

*March 3rd, 2011 we went swimming for the first time! She wasn't too sure about it. She never cried, but she just laid very still in the water taking in the sights. I got smiles though, so she didn't hate it!

*March 8th, 2010 she got her ears pierced. They are BEYOND adorable. She didn't enjoy it whatsoever, and I shed a tear as well but it was well worth it in the end.

*She's giggling quite a bit now but I'm still waiting for the time when belly laughs become regular.

*I THIIIINK I felt a tooth today. Bottom left side of her mouth. I think I can see a little something white but I can't be sure because it's near impossible to get her to keep her tongue back and open her mouth - she's always licking at me!!

*Her hands are NEVER out of her mouth. She chews on them pretty much all day and drools like a monster.

* She grabs at toys.. and then puts them in her mouth (as well as everything else she can get her hands on)

*She now weighs 14lbs 0oz (as of March 24th) and is 24" long. She's my short little porkchop! I love every roll and dimple she's got!

*She is still doing great in her crib. Bedtime is between 7 and 8 and the routine is a must. We've skipped bits here and there and have just ended up "re-doing" bedtime (which makes her go to sleep right away!!). She had a couple weeks where she was waking quite a bit and exhaustion took over so she was in our bed a few mornings but otherwise we're sticking to it and it's kicking ass. I love having my bed, and my husband cuddles, back!

*She's getting super strong and loves to be "standing up" all the time. My arms sure get a work out bouncing her around. It's cute when her legs get tired though because she just stops standing and sits right down.

*She smiles when you go get her from her crib in the morning. I can't wait for the day that she puts her arms up for me to take her out but in the meantime the huge morning smiles will do! It's totally adorable and brightens up my day, even if it is at 6am somedays.

*On March 25th, 2010, she found her toes! I knew it was coming because she's been holding her legs up in the air for some time. Today while on her change table she grabbed them! And then once I got her dressed again she was reaching and reaching for them and wouldn't let go once she got them. So cute. So far she's only done it that one time but I'm sure it won't take long before we're wiping drool off her feet!

As I've said every week, and will continue to say, WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?! The last 4 months of my pregnancy took like 15 years to go by, why is my baby growing so fast?!

Happy 4 Months, H! Your Mumma Loves You xo


Staceyb8 said...

Happy 4 months princess! xox Cant wait until we come to visit you at easter!

The Tompkins Family said...

Happy 4 months H! I love your cute little rolls!

p.s. - did your mama switch to cloth diapers?

CanadianMama said...

Happy 4 months H - you sound like such a great baby!!