Sunday, March 13, 2011


Seriously, do babies get cuter than this? I know I'm bias but she is just too precious. 

We picked up a Rainforest Jumperoo today from a friend and so far, she's IN LOVE with that little red bird. She hasn't quite mastered jumping yet, as her little ballerina toes barely touch the ground, but she is quite content to just sit and talk to that little fellow. 

She's talking up a storm these past few days, too. It totally melts my heart. I sat and talked to her for 45 minutes earlier and she just coo'd and giggled and "talked" back. I honestly can't get enough of it. 

Look at this face... It doesn't get much better than this. She's so excited by something so minor. I just love how her little personality is shining through. Sometimes she has attitude, she gives cheeky looks and makes silly faces. She's excited when you get her from her crib the morning, or when you change her diaper. She laughs when you tell her she's stinky or when you pinch her "boobies". She really does brighten my day.

I'm so blessed and grateful to have such an amazing family and H and her daddy make me happier than I've ever been before. <3

1 comment:

The Tompkins Family said...

She looks SO happy in that thing!