Wednesday, March 16, 2011

{Shut Your Toothless Mouth}

Old people think they know everything:

4x in the past week I have heard this remark (give or take a few words) from someone over the age of 70:
"Aw, she's just precious, how old is she?"
    "Thank you, 3 months."
"Oh, she's big! Are you sure?"
< insert blank stare here > No, I'm not sure, I must have mistaken her for the other 6lb screaming baby that came out of my vagina 3 months ago.

More times than I can count I've been asked what his name is, or how old he is... 99% of the time, it's by and elderly man or woman.
   Seriously, SHE is wearing a pink sweater. 
I know that lots of babies look just like, well, babies. I understand that sometimes a boy can look like a girl and a girl can look like a boy, but honestly, if the kid is wearing all pink, chances are it's a girl. When it's ears are pierced, chances are it's a girl. When it wearing a hat with a big flower on it and wrapped up in purple, chances are - yup, you guessed it, it's a girl! 

Also, just because you're old, doesn't mean I care what you have to say. Just like when I was pregnant, I don't care what you think
I don't care if you think my baby is chubby and that I should "only feed her every 6 hours and give her water in between" - she's a BABY, she's allowed to be chubby and you don't feed babies water anymore, this is the year 2011, not 1911.
I don't care if you think her ears should be pierced or if you're "disappointed with parents these days and their desire to put holes in there children". - They're damn cute, and we love them. Modern technology allows them to be done quickly and without infection, we no longer have to use porcupine quills like they did in your day. 
I don't care if you think I should be breastfeeding because "formula is no good, no good at all!". You don't know anything about me, or my breastfeeding struggles and you make me want to punch your in your stupid, old, wrinkly face.
and lastly (for tonight, anyway) I don't care if you think "I look too young to be a mother". First off, I'm not that young, and secondly, even if I was "too young" by your standards, what concern of that is yours? You're like 180, I'm sure you were married and "with child" by the time you were 14 - Little House on the Prairie style.

Shut your toothless mouth.

*All cases refer to people I don't know. Strangers, who just happen to be old, that think I want to hear what they have to say.


The Tompkins Family said...

It just goes to show that no matter what, you can't win. Presley is "too skinny, maybe you should be feeding her formula instead of watery breastmilk". And we get the boy thing all the time!!

CanadianMama said...

Oh yeah, that used to drive me crazy with Chicken (he too was too skinny and apparently needed formula instead of breastmilk too and everyone thought he was a girl because of "all the hair"). Now I just smile and walk away - I guess with second baby you get used to it lol!

Anonymous said...

Haha. Look at it as a right they've earned over their lifetimes. If I live to 80 you better bet I'm gonna be bitching and complaining about everything I see!