Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I've been wanting to get H's ears pierced for a quite awhile. I had full intentions before she was even born but after watching her get her shots I wasn't sure that I was strong enough to put her through it. I've made 2 different appointments in the past couple weeks and cancelled them both because I chickened out. The first time I cancelled because I just couldn't get my shit together in time to bring her (or perhaps I was dragging my feet and taking my time?), and the second time I cancelled because I spent my morning watching babies get their ears pierced on YouTube and it broke my heart (whyyyyy do I do things like that?)!!

This morning when I woke up I thought - Today is the day! I told myself if the first place I called had an opening TODAY then I would go through with it. When I called the receptionist said "no I'm sorry, we're all booked... oh wait.. yup, I can get you in in 45 minutes.". SHIT. Off we went! C met us there and there was no backing out. Today, March 8th, 2011 our babygirl got her ears pierced... How cute is she!?

I can't waaaaait to get her diamonds!


megan said...

I am so proud of you d. and of h of course. how did she do?

The Tompkins Family said...

She looks even cuter now! (if that's possible!) You're almost making me waver on my "wait until you can ask for it" rule for my girls!

Stacia said...

Aww she is super cute!! I did the same thing... Chickened out 3 times, and still haven't gotten them done. I will wait until she asks for them now. I felt too bad, now feel bad that they aren't done yet! Super proud that you had the courage to do it!! They look gorgeous!!

Missy said...

Aww super cute. Now it's over with TG!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a believer in "wait til they can ask for it" too, but man, is she ever adorable. So sweet.