Friday, March 11, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • I understand the want to cut down on costs involving batteries and such.. but seriously, I will buy as many goddamn batteries as it takes if I could just buy something that made noise and had lights that stayed on for longer that 2 minutes. WTF can you get done in 2 minutes? Pee? It doesn't help me do the dishes when every 90seconds I'm running back to push the button again. 
  • H is 15 weeks old today... we had a playdate with a friends little one yesterday. He's only 7lbs and I felt like I was going to break him. It's hard to believe that H was once 2lbs smaller than that!!!
  • Roast Chicken for dinner tonight MmmMmmMmm. What's even better is that with roasted chicken comes chicken soup!
  • Summer, where are you?
  • After the devastation that has hit Japan, it makes me incredibly grateful to be at home with my family. I'm sending my love and thoughts to anyone who is over there, or has loved ones over there. It also makes me think that I really should have some sort of "survival" package made up... Do you have one?
  • I need to figure out how to get H to nap for longer than 20-45 minutes at a time. ANY suggestions would be great as she needs more of a nap than that or she's a B-word. which in turn, makes me a B-word, too. 
  • We're selling C's car. We're going to be a 1 car family for awhile which might suck, but I think it will be okay. It's time to get rid of those bills! (Anyone want to buy a '97 Acura Integra GSR $6500 OBO).
  • My cousin's babyboy is 1 day overdue today... Come out, bebe, I want to kiss your face!!!!
  • I'm addicted to eBay, again. 
  • I'm in love with H's pierced ears. They are SO CUTE. I'm totally glad I finally did it!!
  • Somewhere along the line I've developed 16 followers. I love followers almost as much as I love blog comments! Yay!
  • Friday - when did it become Friday!? I feel like it was Monday yesterday. 
  • H is laughing tonnes now, I love it - only problem is, she stops when I bust out the camera so I'm going to have to be more stealth. 
Check out Danifred's leftovers here. I bet they're good ;)


Mrs. Z said...

Ugh, I am no help with the naps. Logan was a cat napper and I finally just had him nap on me a lot of times, until he was about 6 months old. I got a little extra rest that way too - but not a lot done! He finally started napping better on his own around 6 months.

Unknown said...

Stopping in from FNL.

I cannot even begin to imagine what's all happening in Japan. Devastating and terrifying! Certainly thankful for all I have and that everyone I know and love is safe. Sure makes you realize and remember that life isn't so bad sometimes....

good luck selling the car and getting your lil one to nap!

The Tompkins Family said...

I knew most of your bullet points already since I talk to you almost as much as my husband. BUT...something funny, I just got back from getting groceries where I bought 2 whole chickens. FOR 12$!!!! Great deal, hey?! So we'll be having roasted chicken some night soon too. Mmmmm...such a good comfort meal.

Anonymous said...

Summer, indeed. I'd really like to see summer. And I'd really like to buy your car too. I wish I had $6,500 OBO, lol.

Danifred said...

Our girls have struggled off and on with naps. The only thing that ever worked for us was the swing and some white noise.

I love a good roast chicken deal !