Sunday, March 13, 2011


I'm not sure who this post is directed at, H or myself.

H has had a rough couple nights. They (whoever they are) say that every 3 weeks your baby will enter a growth spurt. Sure enough, 15 weeks and she's crying to be fed every 2 hours instead of 3-3.5. She is fussy non stop and her sleeping is sucking big time! She's been sleeping through the night for 3 weeks and then 2 nights ago she started waking up 3-4 times. Last night was terrible, I felt like I was up "shhh'ing" her back to sleep every 2 hours. Tonight isn't looking any better.

Having said that, and knowing I'm going to have a crappy night, here I sit on the computer - updating my blog, again! I think I'm finally happy with it this time, though, so there shouldn't be many changes for quite awhile - or at least until I'm bored again.

I have this thing where I feel like I'm more tired if I only sleep a little bit than if I just stay awake. I know H is going to be up in the next hour so I keep telling myself if I just stay awake then I'll go to sleep after I feed her... I've been saying that for 3 hours now.. and yes, she's woken but only for a soother re-insertion, so I really could have been sleeping this entire time. Now I just feel like it's too late!

Aaaah, Go.To.Sleep!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, I get that feeling of just staying up. It's a frustrating cycle to get stuck in.

And the new look is great. Love the font.