Friday, March 18, 2011

{Friday Night Leftovers}

  • H has forgotten how to sleep. My baby who has slept through the night for the past month now wakes 3-5x a night. T mentioned 4 (or in my case, 3) month sleep regression. Seriously, I didn't even know there was such a thing and then I read it.. and I almost cried, and then I puked a little in my mouth. Fuck. 
  • Speaking of sleep, or lack thereof, I have insomnia. I cannot fall asleep at night. I'm regularly up until 2am and I hate it. When H was sleeping with us it forced me to go to sleep because she was in my arms and woke if I moved. I love having her in her own bed but now I'm free to do whatever and somehow the TV and the computer are far more interesting than my dreams... or at least that's what my brain thinks. 
  • Yesterday was H's first St. Patrick's Day and she has nothing green.. BAD mommy!!
  • Guess what? Robins were in my yard yesterday AND the frogs were croaking in the back yard. You have no idea how much this excites me. Winter is fiiiiinally on it's way out!
  • I mentioned last week that I was addicted to eBay, again... well I'm still addicted.. it's not very good for C's credit card!!
  • I love Ellen.
  • H is so fussy. She's crying constantly and fussing when she's not crying. She's making me crazy!!! It's a good thing she's cute. I just can't wait for warmer weather so we can go to the park and the beach and for nice long walks. I think being cooped up in the house is getting to both of us. As Tasha mentioned, she's "spirited" not "bad"!!
  • A few weeks ago I talked about how I was doing the 30day Shred. I assume some may be wondering how that's going? Well, Jillian went on vacation... or I did, either way. I will do it, eventually, but now is not my time. 
  • I miss my mom.
  • My car is the biggest mess EVER. Seriously, it looks like I live in it or something. I NEED the weather to improve so I can improve my lifestyle!! 
  • Check out more leftovers here!


CanadianMama said...

H will get back on track sleep wise after her teeth stop bugging her so much! Don't worry, babies don't sleep through the night for a month and then stop forever! Could be a growth spurt too. Sucks though hey!

Anonymous said...

I love Ellen too!

Hang in there with the sleeping. And YAY for almost springtime!

The Tompkins Family said...

I am sooooo frigging tired. Seriously, right now my eyes are burning but am I sleeping? Nope!